Families and children

A Cyanotype Workshop With Mashael Al Hejazi

Past Event

Mashael Al Hejazi will share her love for the cyanotype photographic printing process and guide participants to make their own "blue prints." She will provide all the necessary equipment to discover the magic of light and chemistry in the same space of her exhibition, MY MOTHER LULWA'S HOUSE. The two-hour workshop will be a playful shared experience between parents and children.

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Mashael Al Hejazi

Image: Mashael Al Hejazi

About Mashael Al Hejazi

Mashael Al Hejazi is a Qatari photographer, living in Doha. Her passion for photography was ignited when she acquired her first Polaroid and Kodak 110 cameras. She is developing her personal style and searching for authenticity in the digital world, looking at how the past is reflected in the technology of the future. During her artist residency at Fire Station in Doha in 2019-20, and for her commissioned installation Mashael Al Hejazi: My Mother Lulwa’s House at Majlis Barahat Al Jufairi, Mashael has been working with local photographers and projects to capture memories of Doha Neighbourhoods for the next generation. Her project Tawtheeq focuses on the people and architecture of old Doha, capturing the rapidly changing daily life in the city. She is using her research into alternative photographic processes as the basis of the project, employing 19th century printing techniques such as Cyanotype and Gum Bichromate printing.